This is an example IYCF dataset with 359 observations and 46 variables. The dataset is from CARE International Myanmar country programme. All personally identifiable information have been excluded.
A data frame with 46 columns and 359 rows.
Variables | WHO Question Number | Description |
csex | Sex of child; 1 = male; 0 = female. | |
calc_age_months | Age of child in months (calculated). | |
child_bf | Q1 | Has child ever been breastfed?; 1 = Yes; 0 = No. |
child_eibf | Q2 | When was child first put to the breast: 0 = immediately; 1 = hours; 2 = days; 999 = Don't know/no response. |
child_eibf_hrs | Q2 | If child_eibf is 1, number of hours child first put to the breast; integer value. |
child_eibf_days | Q2 | If child_eibf is 2, number of days child first put to the breast; integer value. |
bf_2days | Q3 | Has child been given anything other than breast milk within the child's first 2 days of age? 1 = Yes; 0 = No. |
child_bfyest | Q4 | Has child been breastfed yesterday during the day or at night? 1 = Yes; 0 = No. |
bf_bottle | Q5 | Has child drank anything from a bottle with a nipple yesterday? 1 = Yes; 0 = No. |
child_water | Q6A | Has child drank plain water yesterday? 1 = Yes; 0 = No. |
child_bms | Q6B | Has child drank infant formula yesterday? 1 = Yes; 0 = No. |
child_bms_freq | Q6Bnum | How many times has child drank infant formula? Integer value. |
child_milk | Q6C | Has child drank milk from animals yesterday? 1 = Yes; 0 = No. |
child_milk_freq | Q6Cnum | How many times has child drank milk from animals? Integer value. |
child_milk_sweet | Q6Cswt | For children who drank milk from animals, was milk sweetened or flavoured? 1 = Yes; = No. |
child_mproduct | Q6D | Has child drank yogurt drinks yesterday? 1 = Yes; 0 = No. |
child_mproduct_freq | Q6Dnum | How many times has child rank yogurt drinks? Integer value. |
child_mproduct_sweet | Q6Dswt | Yogurt drinks - sweet or flavored type yogurt |
child_chocolate | Q6E | Chocolate-flavored drinks |
child_juice | Q6F | Fruit juice or fruit-flavored drinks |
child_soda | Q6G | Sodas, malt drinks, sports drinks or energy drinks |
child_tea | Q6H | Tea, coffee, or herbal drinks |
child_tea_sweet | Q6Hswt | Tea, coffee, or herbal drinks - sweetened |
child_broth | Q6I | Clear broth or clear soup |
child_oth_drink | Q6J | Any other liquids |
child_oth_drink_sweet | Q6Jswt | Other liquids - sweetened |
child_yogurt | Q7A | Yogurt, other than yogurt drinks |
child_yogurt_frq | Q7Anum | Yogurt, other than yogurt drinks - frequency |
child_rice | Q7B | Porridge, bread, rice, noodles, pasta |
child_pumpkin | Q7C | Pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes (yellow or orange inside) |
child_potatoes | Q7D | Plantains, white potatoes, white yams, manioc, cassava |
child_leafyveg | Q7E | Dark green leafy vegetables |
child_oth_veg | Q7F | Any other vegetables |
child_mango | Q7G | Ripe mangoes, ripe papayas |
child_fruit | Q7H | Any other fruits |
child_organ | Q7I | Liver, kidney, heart |
child_processmeat | Q7J | Sausages, hot dogs, ham, bacon, salami, canned meat |
child_beef | Q7K | Any other meat, such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, duck |
child_eggs | Q7L | Eggs |
child_fish | Q7M | Fresh fish, dried fish or shellfish |
child_beans | Q7N | Beans, peas, lentils, nuts , seeds |
child_cheese | Q7O | Hard or soft cheese |
child_sweets | Q7P | Sweet foods such as chocolates, candies, cakes and biscuits |
child_snack | Q7Q | Chips, crisps, puffs, French fries, instant noodles |
child_oth_food | Q7R | Any other solid, semi-solid or soft food |
child_food_freq | Q8 | number of any solid, semi-solid or soft foods yesterday |
#> # A tibble: 359 × 46
#> csex calc_age_months child_bf child_eibf child_eibf_hrs child_eibf_days
#> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
#> 1 1 5 1 0 NA NA
#> 2 1 4 1 0 NA NA
#> 3 1 2 1 0 NA NA
#> 4 1 0 1 0 NA NA
#> 5 1 2 1 0 NA NA
#> 6 1 2 1 0 NA NA
#> 7 1 2 0 NA NA NA
#> 8 1 1 1 0 NA NA
#> 9 1 5 1 1 2 NA
#> 10 1 5 1 0 NA NA
#> # ℹ 349 more rows
#> # ℹ 40 more variables: bf_2days <int>, child_bfyest <int>, bf_bottle <int>,
#> # child_water <int>, child_bms <int>, child_bms_freq <int>, child_milk <int>,
#> # child_milk_freq <int>, child_milk_sweet <int>, child_mproduct <int>,
#> # child_mproduct_freq <lgl>, child_mproduct_sweet <lgl>,
#> # child_chocolate <int>, child_juice <int>, child_soda <int>,
#> # child_tea <int>, child_tea_sweet <int>, child_broth <int>, …