WHO IYCF Questionnaire XLS Forms
Nicholus Tint Zaw
To provide ready-to-use in XLS programming format for CATI based data collection (support XLS programming format; for example - ODK, SurveyCTO, ONA, KoboToolbox)
This guideline will help provide information on
- which XLS format will be suitable for what type of data collection purpose, and
- what type of questionnaires administration approach will be used for IYCF data collection.
Available of XLS Forms
Four different types of iycf-XLS
forms are available and
based on the user application purpose, and the user can select the most
appropriate iycf-XLS
form. In general, the
forms can be categorized into two;
- Household Survey with IYCF modules and
- IYCF module only XLS form.
And in each category, two types of iycf-XLS
form are
provided based on the WHO food questions administration guideline. Users
can select two different iycf-XLS
forms as mentioned below.
+ Open Recall Questionnaires for Foods: Food consumption questions are
not administered by asking individual food items (from the list). Ask
the respondent for each different time of meal the child ate yesterday
(from the morning the child wake-up to the night before the child goes
to sleep).
+ List-Based Questionnaires for Foods: This approach directly asks the
individual food group mentioned in the food consumption questions.
Both approaches contain the same questions, and the only difference is the display format is customized based on the questionnaire`s administration purpose. For more information about these two approaches, please go to WHO IYCF indicator guideline, page 28.
To download the IYCF XLS forms, please go to this Github repository.
Household Survey with IYCF modules
If the user wants the iycf-XLS
form with the already
built-in household roster module, use the XLS forms from this category.
This type of iycf-XLS
form will first ask the Household
Roster module to identify the relevant under 2 years old children in the
household for the IYCF module. Then, the XLS form will create the IYCF
modules based on the number of under 2 years old children (currently
living) in the household.
: IYCF module with Open Recall Questionnaires -
: IYCF module with List-Based Questionnaires
IYCF module only XLS
If the user wants the pure IYCF module and has the idea to use that
as part of the multi-sectoral survey, please use this type of
form. Users can easily add or customize this in
their respective master XLS form.
: IYCF module with Open Recall Questionnaires -
: IYCF module with List-Based Questionnaires
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- Report a bug at this Github page.