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Identification of individual 0-23 months old children breastfeeding status


get_isssf(solid_food, age)

get_eff(egg_meat, age)

get_swb(sweet, age)

get_ufc(unhealthy, age)

get_zvf(vege_fruit, age)



The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received any type of solid foods yesterday (yes = 1 or no = 0).


This parameter holds the information about child age in the month format.


The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received any egg and/or flesh food yesterday


The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received any sweet beverage foods yesterday


The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received the unhealthy food consumption: sweets and instant foods


The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received any vegetables or fruits yesterday


binary variables indicate child met the respective complementary feeding status or not (yes = 1 or no = 0)


Nicholus Tint Zaw


  df <- iycfData

# Introduction of Solid, Semi-solid or soft foods (6-8 months)
# Solid food consumption previous day - yes/no
 solid <- list(df$child_rice, df$child_potatoes, df$child_pumpkin,
               df$child_beans, df$child_leafyveg, df$child_mango,
               df$child_fruit, df$child_organ, df$child_beef, df$child_fish,
               df$child_insects, df$child_eggs, df$child_yogurt,
               df$child_fat, df$child_plam, df$child_sweets,
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_insects`.
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_fat`.
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_plam`.
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_condiments`.

 df$solid_food <- get_dummy(var_list = solid)

 isssf <- get_isssf(df$solid_food, df$calc_age_months)

# Egg and/or Flesh food consumption (6-23 months)
# Egg and/or Flesh food consumption previous day - yes/no
 egg_meat <- list(df$child_organ, df$child_beef, df$child_fish,
                  df$child_insects, df$child_eggs)
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_insects`.

 df$egg_meat <- get_dummy(var_list = egg_meat)

 eff <- get_eff(df$egg_meat, df$calc_age_months)

# Sweet beverage consumption (6-23 months)
# Sweet beverage consumption previous day - yes/no
 sweet <- list(df$child_milk_sweet, df$child_mproduct_sweet,
               df$child_chocolate, df$child_juice, df$child_soda,
               df$child_tea_sweet, df$child_oth_drink_swee)
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_oth_drink_swee`.

 df$sweet <- get_dummy(var_list = sweet)

 swb <- get_swb(df$sweet, df$calc_age_months)

# Unhealthy food consumption (6-23 months)
# Unhealthy food consumption previous day - yes/no
 unhealthy <- list(df$child_sweets, df$child_condiments)
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_condiments`.

 df$unhealthy <- get_dummy(var_list = unhealthy)

 ufc <- get_ufc(df$unhealthy, df$calc_age_months)

# Zero vegetable or fruit consumption (6-23 months)
# Zero vegetable or fruit consumption previous day - yes/no
 vege_fruit <- list(df$child_pumpkin, df$child_leafyveg, df$child_mango,

 df$vege_fruit <- get_dummy(var_list = vege_fruit)

 zvf <- get_zvf(df$vege_fruit, df$calc_age_months)