Identification of individual 0-23 months old children breastfeeding status
get_isssf(solid_food, age)
get_eff(egg_meat, age)
get_swb(sweet, age)
get_ufc(unhealthy, age)
get_zvf(vege_fruit, age)
- solid_food
The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received any type of solid foods yesterday (yes = 1 or no = 0).
- age
This parameter holds the information about child age in the month format.
- egg_meat
The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received any egg and/or flesh food yesterday
- sweet
The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received any sweet beverage foods yesterday
- unhealthy
The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received the unhealthy food consumption: sweets and instant foods
- vege_fruit
The binary variable which mentioned that the child was received any vegetables or fruits yesterday
binary variables indicate child met the respective complementary feeding status or not (yes = 1 or no = 0)
df <- iycfData
# Introduction of Solid, Semi-solid or soft foods (6-8 months)
# Solid food consumption previous day - yes/no
solid <- list(df$child_rice, df$child_potatoes, df$child_pumpkin,
df$child_beans, df$child_leafyveg, df$child_mango,
df$child_fruit, df$child_organ, df$child_beef, df$child_fish,
df$child_insects, df$child_eggs, df$child_yogurt,
df$child_fat, df$child_plam, df$child_sweets,
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_insects`.
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_fat`.
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_plam`.
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_condiments`.
df$solid_food <- get_dummy(var_list = solid)
isssf <- get_isssf(df$solid_food, df$calc_age_months)
# Egg and/or Flesh food consumption (6-23 months)
# Egg and/or Flesh food consumption previous day - yes/no
egg_meat <- list(df$child_organ, df$child_beef, df$child_fish,
df$child_insects, df$child_eggs)
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_insects`.
df$egg_meat <- get_dummy(var_list = egg_meat)
eff <- get_eff(df$egg_meat, df$calc_age_months)
# Sweet beverage consumption (6-23 months)
# Sweet beverage consumption previous day - yes/no
sweet <- list(df$child_milk_sweet, df$child_mproduct_sweet,
df$child_chocolate, df$child_juice, df$child_soda,
df$child_tea_sweet, df$child_oth_drink_swee)
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_oth_drink_swee`.
df$sweet <- get_dummy(var_list = sweet)
swb <- get_swb(df$sweet, df$calc_age_months)
# Unhealthy food consumption (6-23 months)
# Unhealthy food consumption previous day - yes/no
unhealthy <- list(df$child_sweets, df$child_condiments)
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `child_condiments`.
df$unhealthy <- get_dummy(var_list = unhealthy)
ufc <- get_ufc(df$unhealthy, df$calc_age_months)
# Zero vegetable or fruit consumption (6-23 months)
# Zero vegetable or fruit consumption previous day - yes/no
vege_fruit <- list(df$child_pumpkin, df$child_leafyveg, df$child_mango,
df$vege_fruit <- get_dummy(var_list = vege_fruit)
zvf <- get_zvf(df$vege_fruit, df$calc_age_months)