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Identification of individual 6-23 months old children minimum acceptable diet based on their breastfeeding status

Identification of individual 6-23 months old children dietary practices meet the minimum requirement of dietary diversity (at least 5 food group out of 8 food groups)


get_mad(age, q4, mdd, mmf, mmff)

get_mdd(food_score, age)



This parameter holds the information about child age in the month format.


The binary variable which mentions that the child was receiving breastfeeding in the previous day (yes = "1", no = "0").


The binary variable which holds whether the child received the minimum dietary diversity or not (yes = "1", no = "0").


The binary variable which indicates that the child got minimum meal frequency ("1") or not ("0").


This parameter is about the non-breastfed children received minimum milk feeding frequency or not (yes = "1", no = "0").


the integer variable with continuous scale which indicates the number of food groups the child consumed in previous day


binary variable indicate child get the minimum acceptable diet (mad =1 ) or not (mad = 0)

binary variables indicate child get the minimum dietary diversity (mdd = 1 ) or not (mdd = 0)


Nicholus Tint Zaw


  df <- iycfData
  df$mdd <- rbinom(n = nrow(df), size = 1, prob = 0.5)
  df$mmf <- rbinom(n = nrow(df), size = 1, prob = 0.5)
  df$mmff <- rbinom(n = nrow(df), size = 1, prob = 0.5)

  mad <- get_mad(df$calc_age_months, df$child_bfyest, df$mdd, df$mmf, df$mmff)

# Minimum Dietary Diversity
  df <- iycfData

  df$food_score <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 8), 0)

  mdd <- get_mdd(df$food_score, df$calc_age_months)