Construct the food groups consumption score (from Minimum Dietary Diversity 6-23 months (MDD))
Identification of individual 6-23 months old children who meet the minimum dietary diversity requirement require the information about how many food groups the child consumed yesterday (8 groups in total).
- breastmilk
child received breastfeeding or not
- grains
child consumed grains food group or not
- pulses
child consumed pulses food group or not
- dairy
child consumed diary and milk product food group or not
- meat
child consumed meat food group or not
- eggs
child consumed eggs food group or not
- vita_fruveg
child consumed vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables or not
- oth_fruveg
child consumed fruits and vegetables or not
# Individual Food Group Variable Construction
df <- iycfData
# General Dummy variable generator function
breastmilk <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 1), 0)
grains <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 1), 0)
pulses <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 1), 0)
dairy <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 1), 0)
meat <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 1), 0)
eggs <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 1), 0)
vita_fruveg <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 1), 0)
oth_fruveg <- round(runif(nrow(df), min = 0, max = 1), 0)
# Calculate Food Consumption Score
food_score <- get_foodscore(breastmilk, grains, pulses, dairy, meat,
eggs, vita_fruveg, oth_fruveg)