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SLEAC survey data from Sierra Leone




A tibble with 14 rows and 6 columns

cases_inSAM cases found who are in the programme
cases_outSAM cases found who are not in the programme
rec_inRecovering SAM cases in the programme
cases_totalTotal number SAM cases found


Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone


#> # A tibble: 14 × 7
#>    country      province     district      cases_in cases_out rec_in cases_total
#>    <chr>        <chr>        <chr>            <int>     <int>  <int>       <int>
#>  1 Sierra Leone Northern     Bombali              4        26      6          30
#>  2 Sierra Leone Northern     Koinadugu            0        32      6          32
#>  3 Sierra Leone Northern     Kambia               0        28      0          28
#>  4 Sierra Leone Northern     Port Loko            2        28      0          30
#>  5 Sierra Leone Northern     Tonkolili            1        27      5          28
#>  6 Sierra Leone Eastern      Kono                 2        14      3          16
#>  7 Sierra Leone Eastern      Kailahun             4        30      3          34
#>  8 Sierra Leone Eastern      Kenema               8        26      4          34
#>  9 Sierra Leone Southern     Pujehun              6        21      1          27
#> 10 Sierra Leone Southern     Bo                   6        16      8          22
#> 11 Sierra Leone Southern     Bonthe               7        34      2          41
#> 12 Sierra Leone Southern     Moyamba              6        34      0          40
#> 13 Sierra Leone Western Area Western Area…        6        40      5          46
#> 14 Sierra Leone Western Area Western Area…        2        18      0          20