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Weighted post-stratification estimation of coverage over several service delivery units


estimate_coverage_overall(cov_df, pop_df, strata, u5, p, k = 3)

estimate_coverage(cov_df, cov_type = c("cf", "tc"), k = 3)



A data.frame() of stratified coverage survey data to get overall coverage estimates of. cov_df should have a variable named cases_in for number of SAM or MAM cases in the programme found during the survey, cases_out for number SAM or MAM cases not in the programme found during the survey, and rec_in for children recovering from SAM or MAM who are in the programme found during the survey. A final required variable should be one that contains identifying geographical information corresponding to the location from which each row of the survey data was collected from.


A data.frame() with at least two variables: strata for the stratification/grouping information that matches the grouping information in cov_df and pop for information on population for the given grouping information.


A character value of the variable name in cov_df that corresponds to the strata values to match with values in pop_df.


A numeric value for the proportion of the population that is under years old.


Prevalence of SAM or MAM in the given population.


Correction factor. Ratio of the mean length of an untreated episode to the mean length of a CMAM treatment episode


Coverage estimator to report. Either "cf" for case-finding effectiveness or "tc" for treatment coverage. Default is "cf".


A list of overall coverage estimates with corresponding 95% confidence intervals for case-finding effectiveness and treatment coverage.


cov_df <- survey_data

pop_df <- pop_data |>
  setNames(nm = c("strata", "pop"))

  cov_df, pop_df, strata = "district", u5 = 0.177, p = 0.01
#> $cf
#> $cf$estimate
#> [1] 0.1257481
#> $cf$ci
#> [1] 0.09247579 0.15902045
#> $tc
#> $tc$estimate
#> [1] 0.1706466
#> $tc$ci
#> [1] 0.1371647 0.2041284