Authors and Citation
Source: inst/CITATION
Mark Myatt, Ernest Guevarra, Lionella Fieschi, Allison Norris, Saul Guerrero, Lilly Schofield, Daniel Jones, Ephrem Emru, Kate Sadler (2012). Semi-Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC)/Simplified Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SLEAC) Technical Reference. FHI 360/FANTA, Washington, DC. https://www.fantaproject.org/sites/default/files/resources/SQUEAC-SLEAC-Technical-Reference-Oct2012_0.pdf.
@Book{, title = {Semi-Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage ({SQUEAC})/Simplified Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Evaluation of Access and Coverage ({SLEAC}) Technical Reference}, author = {{Mark Myatt} and {Ernest Guevarra} and {Lionella Fieschi} and {Allison Norris} and {Saul Guerrero} and {Lilly Schofield} and {Daniel Jones} and {Ephrem Emru} and {Kate Sadler}}, year = {2012}, publisher = {FHI 360/FANTA}, address = {Washington, DC}, url = {https://www.fantaproject.org/sites/default/files/resources/SQUEAC-SLEAC-Technical-Reference-Oct2012_0.pdf}, }