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Converts scientific notations to standard notations, rounds off values, and renames columns to meaningful names.





An tibble object returned by the mw_plausibility_check_wfhz() containing the summarized results to be formatted.


A tibble object of the same length and width as df, with column names and values formatted for clarity and readability.


## First wrangle age data ----
data <- mw_wrangle_age(
  df = anthro.01,
  dos = dos,
  dob = dob,
  age = age,
  .decimals = 2

## Then wrangle WFHZ data ----
data_wfhz <- mw_wrangle_wfhz(
  df = data,
  sex = sex,
  weight = weight,
  height = height,
  .recode_sex = TRUE
#> ================================================================================

## Now run the plausibility check ----
pl <- mw_plausibility_check_wfhz(
  df = data_wfhz,
  sex = sex,
  age = age,
  weight = weight,
  height = height,
  flags = flag_wfhz

## Now neat the output table ----
mw_neat_output_wfhz(df = pl)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 19
#>   `Total children` `Flagged data (%)` `Class. of flagged data` `Sex ratio (p)`
#>              <int> <chr>              <fct>                    <chr>          
#> 1             1191 1.0%               Excellent                0.297          
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: `Class. of sex ratio` <chr>, `Age ratio (p)` <chr>,
#> #   `Class. of age ratio` <chr>, `DPS weight (#)` <dbl>,
#> #   `Class. DPS weight` <chr>, `DPS height (#)` <dbl>,
#> #   `Class. DPS height` <chr>, `Standard Dev* (#)` <dbl>,
#> #   `Class. of standard dev` <chr>, `Skewness* (#)` <dbl>,
#> #   `Class. of skewness` <fct>, `Kurtosis* (#)` <dbl>,
#> #   `Class. of kurtosis` <fct>, `Overall score` <dbl>, …