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Clean and format the output table returned from the plausibility check of raw MUAC data for improved clarity and readability. It converts scientific notations to standard notations, round values and rename columns to meaningful names.





A data frame containing the summary table returned by this package's plausibility check function for raw MUAC data. Must be of class data.frame.


A data frame of the same length and width as df, with column names and values formatted for clarity.


## First wranlge MUAC data ----
df_muac <- mw_wrangle_muac(
  df = anthro.01,
  sex = sex,
  muac = muac,
  age = NULL,
  .recode_sex = TRUE,
  .recode_muac = FALSE,
  .to = "none"

## Then run the plausibility check ----
pl_muac <- mw_plausibility_check_muac(
  df = df_muac,
  flags = flag_muac,
  sex = sex,
  muac = muac

## Neat the output table ----

mw_neat_output_muac(df = pl_muac)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 9
#>   `Total children` `Flagged data (%)` `Class. of flagged data` `Sex ratio (p)`
#>              <int> <chr>              <fct>                    <chr>          
#> 1             1191 0.3%               Excellent                0.297          
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: `Class. of sex ratio` <chr>, `DPS(#)` <dbl>,
#> #   `Class. of DPS` <chr>, `Standard Dev* (#)` <dbl>,
#> #   `Class. of standard dev` <fct>