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Routine CMAM monitoring data from Sudan




A tibble with 8234 rows and 16 columns

StateName of state
LocalityName of locality
Beginning of MonthCases in programme at beginning of month
New AdmissionsNew cases admitted within the month
MaleNew male cases admitted within the month
FemaleNew female cases admitted within the month
CuredNumber of cured cases within the month
DeathNumber of cases who died within the month
DefaultNumber of cases who defaulted within the month
Non-ResponderNumber of non-responder cases within the month
Total DischargeTotal number of discharges within the month
RUTF ConsumedNumber of RUTF consumed


Federal Ministry of Health of Sudan


#> # A tibble: 8,234 × 16
#>    State Locality `Beginning Of Month` `New Admissions`  Male Female Cured Death
#>    <chr> <chr>                   <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Gaze… El Qura…                   16               16     8      8    23     0
#>  2 Gaze… El Qura…                   56               24    11     13     0     0
#>  3 Gaze… El Qura…                   80               41    16     25    22     0
#>  4 Gaze… El Qura…                   81               43    21     22    29     0
#>  5 Gaze… El Qura…                   93               51    31     30    36     2
#>  6 Gaze… El Qura…                  103               59    34     25     3     0
#>  7 Gaze… El Qura…                  163               69    34     35     8     0
#>  8 Gaze… El Qura…                  104              108    56     40     6     0
#>  9 Gaze… El Qura…                  275              123    61     62   111     0
#> 10 Gaze… El Qura…                  204               81    39     40    52     0
#> # ℹ 8,224 more rows
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: Default <dbl>, `Non-Responder` <dbl>,
#> #   `Total Discharge` <dbl>, `Rutf Consumed` <dbl>, Screening <dbl>,
#> #   Sites <lgl>, Month <chr>, Year <chr>