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Calculate CMAM performance indicators


calculate_performance(.data, vars = NULL, add = TRUE)



A data.frame containing programme monitoring data on number of cured, deaths, defaulters and non-response. The required data.frame holds rows of data corresponding to total counts for each performance indicator (i.e., cured, dead, defaulter and non-responder) rather than rows of individual cases.


A vector of variable names specifying cured, dead, defaulter and non-responder (in this specific order) values in .data. If NULL (default), typical names used for these variables will be searched and used accordingly. If search doesn't yield matching variable names, the first 4 columns of the data.frame will be used.


Logical. Should result be added to .data. Default is TRUE.


A tibble of performance indicator results


Ernest Guevarra


calculate_performance(.data = monitoring)
#> # A tibble: 8,234 × 20
#>    State Locality `Beginning Of Month` `New Admissions`  Male Female Cured Death
#>    <chr> <chr>                   <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Gaze… El Qura…                   16               16     8      8    23     0
#>  2 Gaze… El Qura…                   56               24    11     13     0     0
#>  3 Gaze… El Qura…                   80               41    16     25    22     0
#>  4 Gaze… El Qura…                   81               43    21     22    29     0
#>  5 Gaze… El Qura…                   93               51    31     30    36     2
#>  6 Gaze… El Qura…                  103               59    34     25     3     0
#>  7 Gaze… El Qura…                  163               69    34     35     8     0
#>  8 Gaze… El Qura…                  104              108    56     40     6     0
#>  9 Gaze… El Qura…                  275              123    61     62   111     0
#> 10 Gaze… El Qura…                  204               81    39     40    52     0
#> # ℹ 8,224 more rows
#> # ℹ 12 more variables: Default <dbl>, `Non-Responder` <dbl>,
#> #   `Total Discharge` <dbl>, `Rutf Consumed` <dbl>, Screening <dbl>,
#> #   Sites <lgl>, Month <chr>, Year <chr>, cured_prop <dbl>, dead_prop <dbl>,
#> #   defaulter_prop <dbl>, nr_prop <dbl>