class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # The story of nutriverse so far ] .subtitle[ ## From addressing personal project needs and small project team requirements to potentially creating and nurturing a community of users and developers ] .author[ ### Ernest Guevarra ] .date[ ### 2022-06-07 ] --- # The context * part of a small team of nutrition practitioners that develop and implement various types of nutrition surveys; * use of R not common among nutritionists, nutrition data analysts; * team setup based on per project workflows with R scripts/code re-used by each project; * R scripts shared by email and/or Dropbox with no use of any version control system. --- # Solutions? * Standardise and distribute our R scripts using workflows based on RAnalyticFlow * still faced issues with package dependencies * still had to move commonly used functions into each workflow created * workflow tool itself had cumbersome system and R dependencies (Java, rJava, JavaGD) * Should we try to structure and distribute our code into R packages? * None of us knew how to develop R packages * The urgency of our existing project tasks outweighed the level of effort needed to learn and then develop R packages --- # Biting the bullet .pull-left[ * using time off from projects, learned how to create R packages with Hadley Wickham's ***R Packages*** book as a guide; * learned version control using git and GitHub through the process of learning R package creation; * started off with a simple data package to learn the basics, released on GitHub and then on CRAN; * listed out and organised most commonly used R scripts to plan which packages to develop; * released first package (`zscorer`) in mid-2018 ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- # Growing pains: running before we can walk .pull-left[ * `zscorer` served our purposes well as we used the z-score calculation function in almost all of our nutrition survey projects; * immediately started different projects for other commonly used functions each requiring varying levels of complexity; * R package development capacity still remained at `n = 1` while the appetite for easily installable and distributable packages grew within small team; * additional pressure of wanting to get packages released on CRAN! ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # nutriverse packages so far <img src="images/leaf_neg.png" width = "200px" align="center" /> ![](images/nutriverse.png) --- # Learning points and future plans * Everything we were able to do so far has been made possible by an even larger ecosystem created, contributed to, and maintained by fellow individual and groups of R users * Gain more capacity for R packages development - capacity building for other members of team and nurture a potential community of developers; * Pre-release package/s to potential user base so that they can be used and tested in as many use cases as possible; * Increase demand/use of existing packages within a sector that is not as familiar with R - capacity building on R and development of tools/products that are more accessible to others but uses packages developed