Identify outlier z-scores for weight-for-height (WFHZ) and MUAC-for-age (MFAZ) following the SMART methodology. The function can also be used to detect outliers for height-for-age (HFAZ) and weight-for-age (WFAZ) z-scores following the same approach.
For flagging z-scores, z-scores that deviate substantially from the sample's z-score mean are considered outliers and are unlikely to reflect accurate measurements. For raw MUAC, values that are less than 100 millimeters or greater than 200 millimeters are considered outliers as recommended by Bilukha & Kianian (2023). Including these values in the analysis could compromise the accuracy of the resulting estimates.
To remove outliers, their values are set to NA rather than removing the
record from the dataset. This process is also called censoring. By
assigning NA values to these outliers, they can be effectively removed
during statistical operations with functions that allow for removal of NA
values such as mean()
for getting the mean value or sd()
for getting the
standard deviation.
An vector of the same length as x
of flagged records coded as
for a flagged record and 0
for a non-flagged record.
Bilukha, O., & Kianian, B. (2023). Considerations for assessment of measurement quality of mid‐upper arm circumference data in anthropometric surveys and mass nutritional screenings conducted in humanitarian and refugee settings. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 19, e13478. Available at
SMART Initiative (2017). Standardized Monitoring and Assessment for Relief and Transition. Manual 2.0. Available at:
## Sample data of raw MUAC values ----
x <- anthro.01$muac
## Apply the function with `.from` set to "raw_muac" ----
m <- flag_outliers(x, .from = "raw_muac")
#> [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
## Sample data of z-scores (be it WFHZ, MFAZ, HFAZ or WFAZ) ----
x <- anthro.02$mfaz
# Apply the function with `.from` set to "zscores" ----
z <- flag_outliers(x, .from = "zscores")
#> [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
## With `.from` set to "zscores" ----
z <- remove_flags(
x = wfhz.01$wfhz,
.from = "zscores"
#> [1] 1.833 0.278 -0.123 1.442 0.652 0.469
## With `.from` set to "raw_muac" ----
m <- remove_flags(
x = mfaz.01$muac,
.from = "raw_muac"
#> [1] 146 143 138 153 158 147