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Data for estimating the prevalence of acute malnutrition used in the IPC AMN can come from different sources: surveys, screenings or community-based surveillance systems. The IPC has set minimum sample size requirements for each source. This function verifies whether these requirements are met.


mw_check_ipcamn_ssreq(df, cluster, .source = c("survey", "screening", "ssite"))



A data.frame object to check.


A vector of class integer or character of unique cluster or screening or sentinel site identifiers. If a character vector, ensure that each unique name represents one location. If cluster is not of class integer or character, an error message will be returned indicating the type of mismatch.


The source of evidence. A choice between "survey" for representative survey data at the area of analysis; "screening" for screening data; "ssite" for community-based sentinel site data. Default value is "survey".


A single row summary tibble with 3 columns containing check results for:

  • n_clusters - the total number of unique clusters or screening or site identifiers;

  • n_obs - the corresponding total number of children in the data set; and,

  • meet_ipc - whether the IPC AMN requirements were met.


IPC Global Partners. 2021. Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Technical Manual Version 3.1.Evidence and Standards for Better Food Security and Nutrition Decisions. Rome. Available at:


  df = anthro.01,
  cluster = cluster,
  .source = "survey"
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   n_clusters n_obs meet_ipc
#>        <int> <int> <chr>   
#> 1         30  1191 yes