A sample data from a community-based sentinel site in an anonymized location
Data was collected from community-based sentinel sites located across three provinces. Each provincial data set presents distinct data quality scenarios, requiring tailored prevalence analysis:
Province 1 has a MUAC-for-age z-score standard deviation and age ratio test rating of acceptability falling within range
Province 2 has age ratio rated as problematic but with an acceptable standard deviation of MUAC-for-age z-score
"Province 3 has both tests rated as problematic
This sample data is useful to demonstrate the use of the prevalence functions on a multiple-domain survey data where variations in the rating of acceptability of the standard deviation exist, hence require different analytical approach for each domain to ensure accurate estimation.
A tibble of 3,002 x 8.
Variable | Description |
province | Survey location |
cluster | Primary sampling unit |
sex | Sex; "m" = boys, "f" = girls |
age | Calculated age in months with two decimal places |
muac | Mid-upper arm circumference in millimetres |
edema | Edema; "n" = no edema, "y" = with edema |
mfaz | MUAC-for-age z-scores with 3 decimal places |
flag_mfaz | Flagged MUAC-for-age z-score value; 1 = flagged, 0 = not flagged |
#> # A tibble: 3,002 × 8
#> province cluster sex age muac edema mfaz flag_mfaz
#> <chr> <int> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Province 1 298 2 24 136 n -1.12 0
#> 2 Province 1 298 2 30 116 n -3.44 0
#> 3 Province 1 298 2 7 140 n 0.084 0
#> 4 Province 1 298 2 18 144 n -0.068 0
#> 5 Province 1 298 2 10 125 n -1.48 0
#> 6 Province 1 298 2 11 125 n -1.52 0
#> 7 Province 1 298 2 30 136 n -1.46 0
#> 8 Province 1 298 2 24 133 n -1.40 0
#> 9 Province 1 298 2 10 122 n -1.78 0
#> 10 Province 1 298 2 24 142 n -0.579 0
#> # ℹ 2,992 more rows