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anthro.03 contains survey data of four districts. Each district data set presents distinct data quality scenarios that require a specific prevalence analysis approach. Data from two districts have a problematic WFHZ standard deviation. The data from the remaining two districts are all within range.

This sample data is useful to demonstrate the use of the prevalence functions on a multiple-domain survey data where there can be variations in the rating of acceptability of the standard deviation, hence requiring different analytical approach for each survey domain to ensure accurate estimation.




A tibble of 943 x 9.

districtSurvey location
clusterPrimary sampling unit
teamSurvey teams
sexSex; "m" = boys, "f" = girls
ageCalculated age in months with two decimal places
weightWeight in kilograms
heightHeight in centimetres
edemaEdema; "n" = no edema, "y" = with edema
muacMid-upper arm circumference in millimetres




#> # A tibble: 943 × 9
#>    district cluster  team sex     age weight height edema  muac
#>    <chr>      <int> <int> <chr> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr> <int>
#>  1 Metuge         2     2 m      9.99   10.1   69.3 n       172
#>  2 Metuge         2     2 f     43.6    10.9   91.5 n       130
#>  3 Metuge         2     2 f     32.8    11.4   91.4 n       153
#>  4 Metuge         2     2 f      7.62    8.3   69.5 n       133
#>  5 Metuge         2     2 m     28.4    10.7   82.3 n       143
#>  6 Metuge         2     2 f     12.3     6.6   69.4 n       121
#>  7 Metuge         2     2 f     32.0    11.1   85.2 n       148
#>  8 Metuge         2     2 m     34.9    12.6   86.5 n       156
#>  9 Metuge         3     3 m      9.07    8.3   71.4 n       145
#> 10 Metuge         3     3 m     45.5    11.5   85.7 n       145
#> # ℹ 933 more rows