A household budget survey data conducted in Mozambique in 2019/2020, known as IOF (Inquérito ao Orçamento Familiar in Portuguese). IOF is a two-stage cluster-based survey, representative at province level (second administrative level), with probability of the selection of the clusters proportional to the size of the population. Its data collection spans for a period of 12 months.
A tibble of 2,267 rows and 14 columns.
Variable | Description |
province | The administrative unit level 1 where data was collected |
strata | Rural or Urban |
cluster | Primary sampling unit |
sex | Sex; "m" = boys, "f" = girls |
age | Calculated age in months with two decimal places |
weight | Weight in kilograms |
height | Height in centimetres |
edema | Edema; "n" = no edema, "y" = with edema |
muac | Mid-upper arm circumference in millimetres |
wtfactor | Survey weights |
wfhz | Weight-for-height z-scores with 3 decimal places |
flag_wfhz | Flagged WFHZ value. 1 = flagged, 0 = not flagged |
mfaz | MUAC-for-age z-scores with 3 decimal places |
flag_mfaz | Flagged MFAZ value. 1 = flagged, 0 = not flagged |
Mozambique National Institute of Statistics. The data is publicly available at https://mozdata.ine.gov.mz/index.php/catalog/88#metadata-data_access. Data was wrangled using this package's wranglers. Details about survey design can be read from: https://mozdata.ine.gov.mz/index.php/catalog/88#metadata-sampling
#> # A tibble: 2,267 × 14
#> province strata cluster sex age weight height edema muac wtfactor wfhz
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Zambezia Rural 391 1 6.01 8.2 68 n 152 825. 0.349
#> 2 Zambezia Rural 404 2 6.01 7.1 65.1 n 139 287. -0.006
#> 3 Zambezia Rural 399 1 6.11 7.6 64.1 n 155 130. 0.9
#> 4 Zambezia Urban 430 2 6.14 7.9 65.9 n 148 1277. 0.876
#> 5 Zambezia Urban 468 2 6.28 6.6 59.7 n 132 792. 1.38
#> 6 Zambezia Urban 517 2 6.34 6 61.8 n 129 480. -0.583
#> 7 Zambezia Urban 461 2 6.34 6.5 64.4 n 123 977. -0.732
#> 8 Zambezia Rural 382 2 6.41 6.5 63.4 n 126 165. -0.349
#> 9 Zambezia Urban 502 1 6.41 7.5 66 n 142 1083. -0.006
#> 10 Zambezia Urban 500 1 6.41 6.8 64.1 n 135 972. -0.441
#> # ℹ 2,257 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: flag_wfhz <dbl>, mfaz <dbl>, flag_mfaz <dbl>